Turas Scoile

Order of Malta le Rang a 5

Muintir na hÚcráine
Táimid ag smaoineamh ar Mhuintir na hÚcráine faoi láthair. We learned how to draw the sunflower the national flower of Ukraine.

Ealaín Lá Fhéile

Lá Domhanda na Leabhar
Bhí go leor spraoí again ar Lá Domhanda na leabhar. Bhí deis ag na páistí gléasadh suas mar an carachtar leabhar is fearr leo. Rinne siad an- iarracht. Maith sibh.

Bhíomar an-ghnóthach i Rang a cúig an téarma seo. Bhaineamar an-taitneamh as an Seachtain Eolaíochta agus Seachtain na Mata. Ghlacamar páirt sa “ Junior Achievement 10 x Challenge” Chaitheamar a lán ama ag obair ar Roinnt Fada. Ghlac roinnt de na páistí páirt sa Ms Readathan. Bhain said an-sult as an léitheoireacht. Chumamar rap agus mana faoi Bulaíocht agus tá a lán “ rappers” inár measc. Bhí bliain aisteach ar fad againn go léir. Tá súil agam go mbeidh 2022 difriúil agus níos folláine. Nollaig shona daoibh agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir. Bainigí taitneamh as na laethanta saoire agus fanaigí slán.
We had a very busy term in Rang a 5. We took part in the Junior Achievemet 10 x challenge. This was challenge where the students had to identify a sustainable product or service they would like to sell. We have lots of young entrepreneurs in our classroom who came up with some great business ideas. These included reusable bamboo toothbrushes, dishwasher friendly tablets, a furniture recycling day, a rubbish cleaning up day, a rubbish bin company, tote bags and pencil cases made from recycled plastic, eco-friendly wrapping paper, eco-friendly dry shampoo and a football made from recycled plastic. The students had to create a business plan and design a logo for their business idea. They also had to make a 60 second video persuading people on why they should invest in their product or service.

During Science week we came up with lots of ideas on how to make Athenry more pedestrian friendly, cycle friendly and more wildlife friendly. We drew a sketch of what we envisioned the town to look like in the future. We enjoyed watching the R.T.E. hub and doing some of their science experiments.
We had lots of fun doing Christmas art and crafts. We designed lovely Christmas jumpers, made lovely Christmas tree decorations and crafted some lovely Christmas scenes.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

Táimid an-ghnóthach i Rang a 5. Seo roinnt ealaín a rinneamar sa rang. Obair iontach.